Mga Post

Ipinapakita ang mga post mula sa Abril, 2019

april sixteen twenty-nineteen

Do not look down on me just because you know a certain English word and I don't. Do not look down on me just because you've watch that famous movie and I don't. Do not look down on me just because you know how to use chopsticks and I don't. Do not look down on me just because you are wearing pretty dress and heels when I'm just in my t-shirt and jeans. Do not look down on me just because you're "classy" when I am here loud and laughing trying to make everybody happy. Do not look down on me just because you've been visiting countries and I'm in my dorm trying to figure out how to make ends meet with my hard-earned money. Do not look down on me just because you regularly chats with your boyfriend when I am here still fucking single! I don't care about everything you have right now, honey. I don't care about your expensive clothes, your rebonded hair, your imported perfumes nor your hi-tech gadgets. I don't care about your